numeros y colores en ingles - the numbres and colors in english
los numeros-the numbers.
Los números del 1 al 100 con su pronunciación.
The numbers
of 1 al 100 with su pronunciation.
1 one (uan)
2 two (Chu)
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six (six)
7 seven
8 eight (eigt)
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fiveteen
16 sixteen
seventeen (seventin)
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty
one (tuenti uan)
22 twenty
two (tuenti Chu)
23 twenty
three (tuenti zri)
24 twenty
four (tuenti four)
25 twenty
five (tuenti faiv)
26 twenty
six (tuenti six)
27 twenty
seven (tuenti seven)
28 twenty
eight (tuenti eigt)
29 twenty
nine (tuenti nain)
30 thyirty
31 thyirty
one (tirti uan)
32 thyirty
two (tirti chu)
33 thyirty
three (tirti zri)
34 thyirty
four (tirti four)
35 thyirty
five (tirti faiv)
36 thyirty
six (tirti six)
37 thyirty
seven (tirti seven)
38 thyirty
eight (tirti eigt)
39 thyirty
nine (tirti nain)
40 fourty
41 fourty
one (fourti uan)
42 fourty
two (fourti Chu)
43 fourty
three (fourti zri)
44 fourty
four (fourti four)
45 fourty
five (fourti faiv)
46 fourty
six (fourti six)
47 fourty
seven (fourti seven)
48 fourty
eight (fourti eigt)
49 fourty
nine (fourti nain)
50 fifty
51 fifty
one (fifti uan)
52 fifty
two (fifti Chu)
53 fifty
three (fifti zri)
54 fifty
four (fifti four)
55 fifty
five (fifti faiv)
56 fifty
six (fifti six)
57 fifty
seven (fifti seven)
58 fifty
eight (fifti eigt)
59 fifty
nine (fifti nain)
60 sixty
61 sixty
one (sixti uan)
62 sixty
two (sixti Chu)
63 sixty
three (sixti zri)
64 sixty
four (sixti four)
65 sixty
five (sixti faiv)
66 sixty
six (sixti six)
67 sixty
seven (sixti seven)
68 sixty
eight (sixti eigt)
69 sixty
nine (sixti nain)
70 seventy
71 seventy
one (seventi uan)
72 seventy
two (seventi Chu)
73 seventy
three (seventi zri)
74 seventy
four (seventi four)
75 seventy
five (seventi faiv)
76 seventy
six (seventi six)
77 seventy
seven (seventi seven)
78 seventy
eight (seventi eigt)
79 seventy
nine (seventi nain)
80 eighty
81 eighty
one (eigti uan)
82 eighty
two (eigti Tu)
83 eighty
three (eigti zri)
84 eighty
four (eigti four)
85 eighty
five (eigti faiv)
86 eighty
six (eigti six)
87 eighty
seven (eigti seven)
88 eighty
eight (eigti eigt)
89 eighty
nine (eigti nain)
90 ninety
91 ninety
one (naiti uan)
92 ninety
two (naiti chu)
93 ninety
three (naiti zri)
94 ninety
four (naiti four)
95 ninety
five (naiti faiv)
96 ninety
six (naiti six)
97 ninety
seven (naiti seven)
98 ninety
eight (naiti eigt)
99 ninety
nine (naiti nain)
100 one hundred (uan jandred).etc
los numeros cardinales - Numerous cardinals:
los numeros cardinales - Numerous cardinals:
Los números cardinales se usan para contar cosas. Corresponden al nombre
del número exacto que queremos expresar, se refieren a la cantidad.El cardinal indica el número o cantidad de elementos de un conjunto, sea esta cantidad finita o infinita.
Cardinal numbers are used to count things. Correspond to the name of the exact number we mean, refer to the quantity.Cardinal indicates the number or quantity of items in a set, this amount is finite or infinite.
1 (uno), 2 (dos),3 (tres) etc. (se usan para contar).
Cuentas cosas:
Tengo dos hermanos.
Enero tiene treinta y un días.
Dices tu edad:
Tengo treinta y tres años.
Mi hermana tiene veintisiete años.
Accounts things: I have two brothers.- January has thirty-one days.
You say your age: I have thirty-three.- My sister is twenty-seven.
Cardinal numbers are used to count things. Correspond to the name of the exact number we mean, refer to the quantity.Cardinal indicates the number or quantity of items in a set, this amount is finite or infinite.
1 (uno), 2 (dos),3 (tres) etc. (se usan para contar).
Cuentas cosas:
Tengo dos hermanos.
Enero tiene treinta y un días.
Dices tu edad:
Tengo treinta y tres años.
Mi hermana tiene veintisiete años.
Accounts things: I have two brothers.- January has thirty-one days.
You say your age: I have thirty-three.- My sister is twenty-seven.
los colores- the colors.
Los colores mas utilizados. Con su pronunciación
The colors mas utilize. With su pronunciation
- Amarillo: Yellow / iélou
- Azul: Blue / blúu
- Blanco: White / guáit
- Gris: Gray / gréi
- Marrón: Brown / bráun
- Naranja: Orange / órendch
- Negro: Black / blák
- Rojo: Red / red
- Verde: Green / gríin
- Violeta: Violet / váiolet
- azul Marino: Navy blue / néivi blúu
- Celeste: Sky blue / skái blúu
- Dorado: Golden / góulden
- Fucsia: Fucsia / fiúsha
- Castaño: Chestnut / chéstnat
- Morado: Purple / péerpl
- Plata: Silver / sílver
- Rosa: Pink / pínk
- Turquesa: Turquoise / tárcois